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3 Important Routine Services You Should Perform On Your Scrap Logger/Baler Regularly

3 Important Routine Services You Should Perform On Your Scrap Logger/Baler Regularly

Formidable in appearance but straightforward in function, the scrap logger/baler is a powerful and meticulously engineered machine. Used in scrap metal and recycling industries to compress and bundle large quantities of scrap materials into dense, manageable bales, it reduces the volume of scrap, making it easier to transport, store, and sell for recycling or disposal, […]

4 Surprising Ways Cab Design Can Impact Scrap Logger/Baler Safety

4 Surprising Ways Cab Design Can Impact Scrap Logger/Baler Safety

The use of heavy machinery like scrap logger/balers comes with obvious hazards. As we all know, cutting and crushing tools designed to handle cars and other scrap metal sources are particularly dangerous. Common safety techniques such as exclusion zones, Lock-Out/Tag-Out systems, and accessible maintenance panels help control access to the most dangerous parts of the machines […]

Can You Really Get 30,000+ Operational Hours Out of a Scrap Logger/Baler?

Can You Really Get 30,000+ Operational Hours Out Of A Scrap Logger/Baler?

Extending the lifespan of scrap equipment can be challenging due to its constant exposure to the elements and a variety of not-exactly-pristine materials. In addition, scrap logger/balers are capable of producing immense amounts of force, but incorrect materials or operation can be damaging to both the frame and the hydraulics, requiring expensive repairs. So, how in the world […]

Do You Need A Built-In Crane On Your Scrap Logger Or Baler?

Do You Need A Built-In Crane On Your Scrap Logger Or Baler?

Unless you have a tip pan or pre-hopper system to prep your scrap, there’s only one way to get recyclables into a baler: via crane. The question is, should you get a logger/baler with a crane built in? Or should you get a craneless model as well as a standalone crane that can be used for […]