Regular Inspections of Your Scrap Logger/Baler Help You Get The Most Out of Your Scrap Logger/Baler

Scrap logger/balers are workhorses that should be built to withstand heavy-duty daily use for extended periods of time. The best way for you to extend your scrap logger/baler’s service life is by consistently performing regular inspections and routine service. When you buy a scrap logger/baler, it should come with an operator’s manual that provides photos […]
Four Key Design Specifications To Consider When Purchasing a New Scrap Baler

Scrap metal recyclables can be converted to manageable bales that can be held for better markets or increased room in the yard. These bales will then be transported by shipping container, rail car, or trailer. The denser and more consistent these bales, the more efficient (and less expensive) later processes will be. Scrap balers are […]